Work Incentive Benefit Specialists assist people with disabilities by helping them navigate the choices and options around work and their public benefits. Benefit specialists can provide an overview of a person’s services and benefits and how work will impact their cash payments, medical coverage, and continued eligibility. If you have a disability, you should contact a benefits specialist when: You are considering work for the …
What You Should Know Before You Apply For Social Security Disability Benefit
This starter kit from Social Security includes answers to questions most people ask about when applying for disability benefits. Knowing the answers to these questions will help you understand the process. The kit includes a fact sheet with the definition of disability and answers questions about applying for disability benefits. It provides a link to the online application and lots of other …
Vocational Rehabilitation Services
State Vocational Rehabilitation agencies coordinate and provide counseling, evaluation, and job placement services for people with disabilities. Find out more: Wisconsin Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Other States: Find your Vocational Rehabilitation Agency