This section highlights community partners providing services, advocacy, and education for people with disabilities and their families. These organizations are focused on helping individuals with disabilities live fulfilling and independent lives as active and fully participating members of their communities.
Career Planning
To successfully make the transition from school to adult life and the world of work, students need guidance and encouragement from caring, supportive adults. This section highlights resources for teachers, counselors, service professionals, students, and parents to guide conversations, connect to community partners, and consider helpful resources in career planning.
School Counselor Resources
As a School Counselor, you provide students with opportunities to connect their talents, interests, and abilities to future possibilities and potential. You connect them to resources and information about education, training, and careers that await them. Inspiring your students to consider their employment goals and connecting them to choices for postsecondary training is especially important for your students with disabilities.
Research and Best Practices
The research is in. Young people who have mentors achieve more career success. This is especially true to young people with disabilities who may not have role models in overcoming barriers to achieve career and life goals. This section includes resources about the latest research on mentoring and the successful transition of students with disabilities from school to next steps in …